Friday, January 18, 2008

I love being a mom, I love being a mom...

Miles is two, and everyday he proves it more and more. This morning he was actually being very cute and snuggly and got dressed and put his shoes on without fuss or bother. And then, mean ol' me insisted that he wear his warm jacket rather than his favorite blue sweatshirt. You would think I was killing him, the screaming, the crying, the wrestling to keep him in the coat, unlock the garage door, get him into the car seat and then to daycare. Lets just say I am now tired, and feel like I have fought some life or death battle with a wild cat. And to top it off when we got to daycare he refused to take the coat off. I think that his logic tells him that if he is wearing his coat that I will take him home sooner. He doesn't hate it there, he is always happily playing when I pick him up, he eats well, he paints pictures. The friends from daycare are often talked about at home. I don't get it. I guess he just wants his mommy, I am his favorite person, I suppose it is supposed to be that way.


Kelly said...

Oh yeah, Grayson is 6 months behind Miles and we have coat wars too - and shoe wars, and this morning, pants wars...sigh. Speaking of being re-released into the wild, lol.

And get this, Cecil has been home with Grayson every day (this is his first day of daycare in a week), snuggling, watching TV together, and this morning Grayson wouldn't even let Cecil near him to say good morning. We should probably cherish this time of them being Mama's boys, cuz soon enough they won't want anything to do with us, right?

Andrew Attebery said...

Just do what the dog whisperer would do. Walk up to him, tap him on the neck and say "Pssst!".

Then stand over him in a calm-assertive manner.

..... well... it works on bulldogs at least. Kids are a bit more stubborn. Really... that's saying something right there.