Thursday, December 6, 2007

I'm a loser baby....

What is it about applying for jobs that freezes me in my tracks? I see job postings and instead of shooting off my resume I think about it and usually let the opportunity pass me by. Like just now, I did actually apply for a job from craigslist, sent an email with my resume and everything. Then I see a second job, this one with a good company that I know, and it says, "send resume and cover letter" so what do I do? I think to myself, "hmm, cover letter, I have no idea how to do that" and instead of looking for resources to help me write one I come to my blog and complain about how I should be doing more to find a job. Am I so afraid of rejection that I reject myself before I even know what the possibility is? Yes, I am, and I am a loser.

Its the same thing with all the projects around the house that I would like to get done. I have so many that I never do any of them. And that is really dumb.

C'mon Molly, Get it together......Go out there and conquer!

Maybe I will take a nap first.........

1 comment:

Andrew Attebery said...

".... so why don't you kill me..."

Great song reference. :-)

After a while of applying for jobs, it's easy just to come up with excuses not to get rejected any further. I can totally relate to your current issue.