Friday, December 7, 2007

I ain't no spring chicken anymore...

What is it that happens to us as we age? I don't mean the wrinkles or the hair in weird places either. What I mean is the "party skills". When I was in high school and college I could stay up all night, get up first thing in the morning and be good to go and get through the day. And that up all night part usually included alcohol, junk food and lots of sugar. If I do that now I am dead on my feet for days. Last night friends were here and I stayed up 'til 1 am maybe, hadn't had anything to drink since dinner and of course this morning Miles wakes up at the ass crack of dawn and I can barely drag myself out of bed. I am up now, just long enough to have just dropped him at daycare and to check my email, because I am going to take advantage of the lifestyle of the unemployed and go back to bed. My poor husband, he stayed up later than I did and had to go to work...I suppose that was his choice though.I just have to get over the guilt of dropping my child into the care of someone else and enjoying the cozy warmth of my bed.

So, good night to the world, or is it a good morning? The best kind of morning, one with no place to go. "theres nobody I would rather do nothing with than you" - great lyric - about a significant other of course, but it could be about my bed, or my cat...same thing right?

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