Sunday, September 21, 2008

being selfish

Mitch hurt himself today, he fell and twisted his ankle. Its not swelling and it does not appear to be broken but it hurts. We have spent the weekend til now at a friends house and he was supposed to head home today with Miles while I stay here and visit with some other friends in Portland tomorrow. The loving giving nurturing wifely thing to do would be to give up the night to myself minus the husband and child and enjoy sleeping in before a fun day with a friend I haven't seen in 13 years. But I didn't. Am I a terrible person? I don't think so. There is some guilt. But if I had gone home I would have been incredibly grouchy and resentful. What is the right thing to do in this situation? I have been so tired lately and having trouble putting up with my husband and his moods. I have been looking forward to this night and tomorrow for a couple of weeks and I very seriously did not want to give that up. I suppose that whether Mitch having to take care of Miles for the next 24 hours is harmful to the health of his ankle would be the real indicator of how horribly selfish I am really being. Honestly, I feel like he will be fine and that he needs to man up and deal...but then again...I am not wanting to sacrifice my own desires to be there tonight. There is no real answer.

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