Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A day at home

Yesterday morning Connor had a couple of funny bumpy red spots on his thighs....I didn't think much of it but daycare called midday because his arms and legs were covered. When I picked him up he was very rashy all over his arms and especially his thighs and diaper area and had one little spot on his cheek. We put some benadryl cream on and hoped it was an allergic reaction. Daycare was concerned. This morning I decided to just keep him home and get it checked out. Our Doctors office is awesome, but the availability of last minute appointments is not very good. So of course by the time we would be able to get him in the rash is all but gone. His diaper area is still pretty red but that he has sensitive skin so that doesn't surprise me. So.....its been decided that he had an allergic reaction to the rosemary we cooked potatoes in the other night and he will be fine to go back to school tomorrow. I suppose technically I could head into work but by this point that seems silly. I think Connor and I need a day together.

Since I was home I decided today might be a good day to introduce Connor to his crib. He currently sleeps in a pack and play in our room and I have been thinking he may wake less if he doesn't have mommy's all night buffett less than three feet away. His crib for the last 10 months has been a very convenient place to keep a hodgepodge of baby items that he was either too big or too little for. So this morning I cleared it out, lowered the mattress to the lowest setting and put on clean sheets and pad. He is sleeping there as I type. He wasn't real keen on it at first and it took awhile for him to get to sleep, but zonked he is. Not sure if I will put him there tonight or not. Will have to cross that bridge later I suppose.

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