2009 has definitely been a year. As outlined in my previous posts I have had a heck of a lot of crap happen in my life and to my family. Fortunately in the past several months since my last post things have taken a turn for the better.
In late July I found out that I was pregnant. This was not only planned but long overdue. Mitch and I had originally held to the idea that we only wanted one child, but then we changed our minds and decided to let “nature decide” earlier this year……My first trimester was uneventful and somewhat typical pregnancy, not much actual vomiting but nausea as far as the eye could see. The thing I could not abide was sweets, this baby liked fresh fruit, vegetables and water. Nothing sweet whatsoever. This passed fairly quickly after 14 weeks or so and now my sweet tooth is back with a vengeance.
The second trimester has been good, more muscle and joint pain then I had with Miles, but overall I feel great and healthy. We found out in early November that we are having another little boy. Miles will be a wonderful big brother and I can’t wait to meet this new little boy. At first Miles was very disappointed that he wasn’t getting a baby sister, but I think he is starting to get used to the idea. One of his little buddies just had a little sister join his family and he wanted a little brother – his suggestion was that he and Miles trade. Three and four years olds have such great logic. The ultrasound showed a healthy baby with all the right parts in the right places. I am now at 25 weeks and I can feel where I am starting to slow down as I get closer to the third trimester. Little Boy is due April 6th, but I have a good feeling about the 3rd…..we’ll see.
In early August some very good friends of ours made a move from Portland down to Salem. This has been great, Now all three of us have someone down here to hang out with. They have a three year old (the same one mentioned above) and he and Miles play together quite well. They also just had a baby girl who is amazing and gorgeous, So, I get to have my baby girl fix. Mitch also now has an playmate for audio, the two guys have been doing a lot of film audio together and working on plans. And I get to have one of my girls close by where we can spend some time together. It is especially nice since we will again have babies very close together.
In late August I finally had enough with the evil air museum and quit my job. I had an interview set up already with a company I used to work for, but I was at a point where I needed to leave regardless of whether I had a new job or not. Luckily I got the job and now I am back working for a company that values it employees and has a mission they stand by and believe in. Life has gotten much better since this change, I had three weeks off in between and it was heaven. Now I work a fairly normal schedule and have full weekends together with my family.
This is also a year for babies, not only am I having one as well as my friend here in town but I also have my good friend in Vegas who is due a month before me as well as one of Mitch’s cousins who is due the 4th of April. Yay babies!! Two friends had babies in the summer and fall as well. They are everywhere.
The new year has begun and so far so good. I am so glad it is here.
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