Tuesday, September 8, 2009


My dreams last night were very random and scattered. I remember bits and pieces. One bit that sticks out in my memory:

I was at my Grammie's church in Helena with my Mom and my Grammie. It was the part of the service where the priest says "peace be with you" and the parishioners all say, "and also with you" and then tell each other "peace be with you" and either shake hands or hug the people around you that you share the peace with. I have no clue what that part is called not being catholic, but it was always a nice part where I felt that the people really were sharing love and peace with each other. In the dream my Grammie gave me a big hug and said, "Peace be with you Molly-O" and then I turned to share with others. When I turned back Grammie was gone and a lady said to me, "I don't know you. Are you new?" I told her we were visiting, that I was Dee King's grandaughter. She said something along the lines of how lucky I was and how much everyone misses her.

Waking up I see this as a nice message from Grammie. She is at peace and would like us to be as well. I am lucky to have had her in my life and I cherish every minute of time I had with her.

1 comment:

Andrew Attebery said...

That's an awesome dream, Molly.