Thursday, February 7, 2008

I love being married, I love being married....

One of those days where everything my dear husband does drives me crazy and all I want is for him to leave me alone. He apparently wanted to leave early for work this morning (we currently ride together to drop Miles off and then go to work)....but, he didn't tell me this. Instead he just became increasingly cranky as the morning went on and Miles and I did our usual of getting ready and all that. It doesn't help that Miles is incredibly two at this time and nothing makes him happy, he will literally try to change his mind up to 12 times each day for each decision that must be made. What pants? What shirt? What shoes? It goes on and on. As I have been the one that has primarily gotten Miles up each morning and off to daycare while I was unemployed dear husband is highly unused to how the mornings go. I am sorry but you just can't rush a two-year-old all you will get is resistance in a major way. So dear husband did not deal well with this today and took it as a good excuse to justify his usual unjustified daily morning grump. I love him, that is true, and I should really not be sitting here complaining about him but it helps me to purge this desire to lock him in a closet and leave him there for a few days. Doesn't help that tonight he is going to go play poker with his brothers leaving me with sole boy duty all night and tomorrow morning, but he is also leaving this weekend for Bend with another friend, his "man-cation" as he calls it. All I want to know is, When do I get to leave him home with Miles while I go stay in a hotel with a friend with the only plan being to eat a ton of good food and drink way too much? Where is my mini-vacation that doesn't involve spouses and toddlers?

I should really stop bitching now.......almost time for work anyway.


ShellyH said...

I have been married for 22 years now. At the beginning a few times a year he would go out with the boys and I would go out with the girls...after about 3 years into our marriage we realized we liked spending time together and now we rarely spend time apart. Men are usually grumpy in the morning LOL

Kelly said...

Sounds like Mitch is being me on this one - I frequently have a "plan" in my head about the morning and get extremely cranky when Cecil doesn't follow it, lol. This reminds me that I need to communicate those plans :)

As for the vacation - just take one! I think we forget that if we just make the plans and ask our husbands to stay home with the boy that they're totally willing to do it (this won't eliminate their need to complain about the entire weekend however), but that it's not something they're going to suggest we do :)

Hope things get better and that you have a good time with Miles :)