Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Time Management & Loneliness

I am finding myself challenged in two very specific ways right now. See above.

Something about not having a specific schedule to my day is really hurting me in the ability to get any quality work completed. I have a ton of stuff that I need to do, want to do and would like to accomplish but I have such a hard time actually sitting down and doing it. Part of the issue seems to be prioritizing. I have so many things between looking for work, the house, Sorelle and personal fun projects that I can't decide what really should get done first. The amount of time needed for all these activities has been hard to gauge as well. I suppose now that I have identified it, I need to find a solution........

As for the loneliness factor. I find I obsessively check my email and phone 50 billion times a day to see if anyone has wanted to talk to me. Its not that I don't ever talk to anyone, but I do feel that I spend the majority of my days alone and in my own head, thus the journaling on this blog, I need to talk to someone. My poor husband gets random emails and phone calls from me all the time simply because I want to talk to someone. And of course he is trying to work so all I end up doing is disrupting his day. There needs to be a support group for unemployeds so we can have some sort of interaction with other adults that are in the same boat as we are.


blah blah blah

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh honey those could have been my words when I was staying home with Grayson. So many people (my mother especially) can't understand why I NEEDED to go back to work, and not because of money, but your post is exactly it.

I work reception darlin', call me anytime, as long as you don't mind being put on hold every few minutes...