Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today I gave Connor cereal for the first time. I know I know its early....but, he is 4 months in a week and he is ready. He wants our food, he is big and he is strong. Also, I want to get him used to the idea of cereal before he starts daycare on August 9th.

So this morning I made up just 1 teaspoon of dry organic rice cereal and added warmed breast milk to make it pretty watery. He did great! He was not completely convinced but he did seem to get the majority of the cereal into his tummy and not down his front. I have a feeling that as long as I am consistent and keep offering it he will start to eat like a champ.

Miles is such a picky eater and I can't help but feel that its my fault for not being better at feeding him new things when he was a baby. I am reading a book called Super Baby Food and it is great with a ton of really good information. I am going to try my best with this one to teach him to eat a healthy variety of foods. And hopefully not start the juice habit....