For the almost two weeks leading up to the day we have had terrible weather. Being an Alaskan girl I look at the snow and think "so what?" and then remember that Oregon cities do not have the equipment or personnel to deal with snow, and that Oregon drivers think they know how to drive in it but don't and my reaction is that I am better off staying home warm and safe. Miles had a week at home because his daycare was closed and by Saturday even with the falling snow we decided to go to Portland and visit Nina, Loki and Carter. They had a lot of fun in the snow.

Around 430 on Sunday we were all cozy and warm when we heard this very loud, very strange noise come from outside. Then it happened again. Going outside we see some neighbors out to investigate as well. The noise is coming from the transformer up the street. There are now sparks etc flying out occasionally. Mitch and I unplugged our computers and waited. We didn't have to wait very long. Sparks flew and the tree was on fire. At this time I was trying to call PGE, which is what the news had said to do, and of course no one answered. Then I tried the police non-emergency number where because of a long menu of choices I was unable to get a person before I was told of the tree being on fire. So I dialed 911, it was busy. Redial, busy again. Redial, got through to a recorded message telling me to wait. By now the transformer has exploded in huge brightly colored flasshes of light and noise and the power has gone out. As I am waiting a police car drives up the street. I hang up. I get a call back within ten minutes from 911 and I explain the situation, she thanks me says an officer is on site and hangs up. We are in the dark.
After handing Miles a flashlight we pack up our things and head to my mom's. On Monday we come home to check it out, still no power. The cat is totally freaked out, we pack her up to take to my mother in laws. We also throw away stuff from the fridge, resuce what we can. Get more clothes and head out. Although not snowing at the moment the roads were quite slushy and slippery. When we get to Linda's I am getting the cat out of the backseat and Miles is climbing through the front to get out, I shut the door, on his fingers....I am a terrible mom and should be beaten. I am always so caeful to watch for where his hands are and this one time I don't and he gets hurt. We put snow and then ice on them. He can move them, theres no broken skin, he calms down. Turned into a bruise and thats about it, I still feel awful though. We settle in the cat, head to the drugstore for tylenol for Miles and hit McDonalds for a happy meal.
Now we are just heading back to my moms on the ither side of town. Its starting to snow again and we have ditched our thought to go to the mall. Then a chain flies off our car, I pull into a parking lot which happens to have an auto supply store, they are out of our size. So we head on with one chain. Stop at another store, they are also out of our size. Finally get back to my moms and settle in with drinks all around.
Tuesday. I have to go to work. Mitch drives me downtown where a coworker picks me up in his truck. The drive out was slow and slippery but we made it. Mitch had to go to work too but was delayed. Miles' daycare was open for awhile as well. There was no-one at the museum. We left around 430 and only almost went off the road once. But the power was now back on at my house so we could all go home. The roads were decent enough that I could run out and finish some Christmas shopping.
Wednesday. Christmas Eve. We did have some shopping to still do so made some quick runs in the morning. The roads were mostly clear, just wet.
Christmas Day was great. Miles woke up around 715 and was very excited by his stocking ans his presents. We then went to Linda's for brunch and more presents. Then to my moms for dinner and of course, more presents. Dinner was wonderful. My Grammie was there and a good time was had by all. The parking lot was a mess and we almost didn't make it out with the ice and the slanted driveway, but we did.
Saw Mitch's dad and family day after. They all seem well. Mitch got to play tech support for the new computer.
Some pics of Miles Christmas morning at our house. He made out like a bandit.